Brant and I were forced to take our holidays this week instead of next because the printer at work crapped out and since Brant wouldn't have been able to work, I wouldn't have been able to work either. It's worked out in our favour, I mean how could paid holidays not? ha.
I've been sucked into a whirlwind of family parties, friend hangouts and sushi eat offs - and I'm not complaining one bit!
Our holidays together (since I started mine earlier to go to Coldplay, more on that later!) started on Friday night when I got back from and excursiating drive from Toronto to Kingston which took 2 hours too long and then another hour and a half drive awaited me when I got back to Kingston as we had to drive to Sharbot Lake to help set up for Brant's Grandparents 50th (yes! 50!) wedding anniversary party. Which was throughly exhusting and totally fun.

Brant's family is strange, they never take family photos really - it's such a daunting task for them and then they end up with the sneaky unflattering photos that Brant's mom will take from hip level and they'll complain about it forever.
My family ALWAYS had photos taken. My Grandma always had her camera with her. If you want to see the day I went to the zoo for the first time, got it. The day my eye was viciously scratched out by my brother, got it. The day I first I wore a bra, got it. Seriously every moment we spent with my grandparents there are photos for and I love it and wouldn't have it any other way.
Brant's family better get used to it now, I'm one sparkly belt away from turning into my Grandma.
One awesome thing about having holidays this week is that Brian is home from the Navy on his three week leave and so far operation hang-out-with-Brian-and-Krista-everyday is a success! It started with a sushi date on Sunday, they must've thought that we were going to eat them out of business, but it was sooooooooo good, so gut bustingly good!

This is a true to life, honest to goodness true artists depiction of how we felt half way through. But we were getting our $13.99 worth it dammit!

On Monday we went to Wolfe Island to my single most favourite place in the world. Big Sandy Bay. My parents would take us there when we were younger when it wasn't a Provincial Park and we had to work to get there.

ox! e.
The war museum isn't THAT bad. But I have a feeling the boys would want to make it a 5 hour excursion rather than the 2 hours I spent. haha.
Excited for hangouts!
I feel the blogging burden, bra. I feel it hard. So many pics and so many small stories to share it's almost too much. The summer of infinite hangouts is a complete success! The zoo better make up for the days of bullshit though.
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