Our marathon hang outs have continued and on this KRIANANTICA adventure we headed to Ottawa. We went up on Thursday to check out the Nature Museum, The Museum Of Civilization and The War Museum. We lucked out and the Nature Museum was only $5 admission and the other 2 were free for Ottawa's Thursday free museums between 4-8 dealy, total deals, steals even. The ride there was quick and painless and as soon as we hit Ottawa things got hairy and we sped through the street swerving buses, the boys were yelling and Metallica was blaring. Talk about the recipe for girl panic attacks in the back seat. The panic - or fear, either way - quickly faded as we got to the Nature Museum and all four of us instantly became 5 again when we stepped inside and began our tour.
....ooookay, Looking good, let's go.

I'm like a bird, I want to fly away. See 5, I told you. I pretty much had to force Brant to take this photo and he kept giving me the "are you serious" eye, yes. I am completely serious, this is happening. You have this to look forward to forever Brant, RUN.
Way to ruin a perfectly nice photo Erica, you win. I'm totally pulling a Brant here.
Brant weighs 990 Blue Jays. I totally prefer this method, it seems less embarrassing to say that you weigh 800 birds, birds are little and cute. Where can I get me one of these? Anyone?
There were all sorts of cute little colourful birds there, ones that we see in my parent's backyard. It was kind of cool seeing them all for longer than 3 seconds when you spot them and they fly away.
What do you see Krista? I actually didn't look through these at all, I was way into looking at the massive Sea Gulls and Loons. I had no clue that Loons were so effing huge. I learned something, surprise!
Maybe she sees this, I will pretend that that's what she's looking at. The displays there were so nice, unbelievable even.

The Blue Jay, one of my favourite birds. The blue was much more vibrant than this picture shows. It was pretttty.
Brian, Krista and Brant took in all of the interactive things - I just hung out and tried my best not to punch idiot people. (There's a good zoo story, wait for that.)
HEY GUYS! LOOK WHO IT IS!!! <3 I looked for this one everywhere, we ended up finding it after I walked around the huge exhibit like 5 times. Of course.
Brant doesn't appreciate the Brant bird goose like I do. I think it's pretty rad. As you can see here he really wanted to be photographed with the goose bird.
I forced him to let me take a normal picture with his twin bird, I think it's cute. I love Brants.

Let's go check out the kind of cool, kind of boring space exhibit. The space rocks were cool and looked like cheese, fo' real. No cool photos from that exhibit except these two of Brant and Krista.

The mammal exhibits were really cool. The show cases were super awesome, I spent a good chunk of time just looking at them and pretending like they were real places and living animals. Like these guys! I know, loooooser, right?
The Polar Bears were neat and huuuuuge. I got to touch the fur here on this little display. The closest I'll ever get.
Oh Brant, don't get eaten. I love you! (most days. <3)
Squirrel! I think I just might, some how, maybe, love squirrels. Who takes a picture of the squirrel displays, honestly? That's what backyards and bird feeders are for, seeing these little dinks.
Moose are SO big. I would not want to see these in the wild. Brant doing his best Moose impression, cute.
No, no. THIS is his best Moose impression. Lol. I'm pretty sure all of the people at the museum had no clue what was happening as I took this photo. All the strange looks and whispers were worth it, anything for a funny picture.
One of the best parts of the museum was the Infrared Camera. We totally hogged it and did inappropriate things like check out how hot our crotches were and make suggestive poses. We managed to take a few good picture, one good video.

There's Krista and I and then Brant and Brian. We are totally hot, Krista and I that is.

Me, Brant and Brian with the Dinos. The Dinosaur exhibit was cool, the fossils were my favourite part, aside from these guys. It reminded me of the Land Before Time and naps. On another note, I miss Jason and Land Before Time and naps. sigh. The guys opted to get their photos taken with the T-Rex, classic boys. I stuck with the good 'ol Triceratops.
Then we headed to the Museum Of Civilaization, they were crazy strict with the whole no pictures thing. I snuck this one of the Pegasus sculpture in the Mythical Beasts exhibit. I wish these existed. I would own seven.

We totally took advantage of the kid zones in this museum while the boys went on to learn about Egyptian stuff, we caught up later. Right after we coloured picture inspired by our favourite Mythical Beasts for the giant Dragon Art Tree thingy.
OH! look who it is, TRACI! Traci met us here and also took advantage of of the kid zone and also drew an awesome piece for the tree.
Here are our masterpieces. To the left you will see Traci's kick ass Norwall drawing. Krista and I drew Mermaids, mine is in the middle and Krista's is upside down. Aw.

The mammal exhibits were really cool. The show cases were super awesome, I spent a good chunk of time just looking at them and pretending like they were real places and living animals. Like these guys! I know, loooooser, right?

One of the best parts of the museum was the Infrared Camera. We totally hogged it and did inappropriate things like check out how hot our crotches were and make suggestive poses. We managed to take a few good picture, one good video.

We then headed to the War Museum and Photosensitive Photo Exhibit - click on the link to see some amazing photojournalism. My camera died and I had to use Krista's for a few shots, but nothing really good turn out which is cool. And probably good for this post. Ha.

Thanks for reading this novel sized post.
ox! e.
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