In February I scrambled my brain trying to come up with a unique and simple idea to photograph for the Photosensitive Cancer Connections exhibit that was taking entries for the launch in Toronto at Nathan Phillips Square on May 2oth. In the end it was a no brainer.
My best friend Jason lost his Gramma, one of the greatest ladies of ALL TIME to a long battle to cancer in September of 2007. We both got tribute tattoos, most of you have seen the yellow canary bird on my forearm and Jay dedicated a good chunk of his arm to his best friend an amazing Gramma.
I wanted the photo not to be sad and it made sense for Jay to be the subject. He's not sad about Gramma's passing by rather remembers all of the great things that they did together. I think that this photo is very reflective of that, because when he looks at his arm he's not sad, rather he smiles and is happy. I think that she would think that his tattoo and my photo was the best damn tribute to the rocking-est, hardcore, drink-your-face-off with the teenagers at the trailer and dance kinda Gramma. She was, and still is amazing. We'll definitely be having some drinks in her honour when we go camping in a few weeks, it's a given.
Here's to Gram.
I took a video at he exhibit, excuse my bad
commentary and man voice. Other than that, enjoy.

awww, that is such an amazing tribute. and a great photo.
you done good, e <3
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