Traci and I share a lot in common, our love of music, beards and gut busting laugh fests. But there's one thing I will not share - my Strombo dream love. And apparently in last nights dream I let Traci have it - with I'm not even kidding you - a full on Punch Out brawl. No, No...not us dueling in an intense Nintendo battle. WE WERE NINTENDO! It was probably the single greatest dream of my life. This photoshop job doesn't even do it justice. And Traci, remember next time Strombo says "Hey it's your boyfriend George Stroumboulopoulos" he's talking to me!
I'm FINALLY getting to see Coldplay next Thursday night in Toronto with my bf (best friend, not boyfriend, ha) Jason and my dad. And there's nothing better than getting pumped for your first show by listening to all of the bands music on repeat andscouring the Internet for live videos. Sometimes you happen upon amazing things, new things - like this. An amazing video for Strawberry Swing, one of my faves from the Viva La Vida album, directed by The Shynola. Even if you don't like Coldplay check it out, it's incredible!
*UPDATE: official video was removed from youtube due to copyright laws and such, here's a preview - search for the full length one online if you want to see it. It's bound to be around here some where. So here's this instead, not as good and the video quality isn't that amazing but the sound is and it makes me even MORE excited for next week!!
Found this gem today while going through some old discs. If I didn't share it I think it would be considered a crime. Oh, no need to thank me. Your totally welcome for the glimpse in my day-to-day life, forever.
Krista asked me to review the new Maybelline Pulse Perfection Mascara that Matchstick sent over to her for her blog, I realized that I name dropped this blog and haven't updated in 10 forevs. If you are here for the first time I apologize for the lack of content, that shit's in the works yo. So here it is again, if you want to see me talk about mascara and perusing again click play.
Thanks Krista. Thanks Matchstick. Thanks Maybelline. And more importantly thanks to all of the kids over reading Krista's blog who called me cute. Love you all.
ox. e
(ps, if you purchase Pulse Perfection don't forget to do this. Matchstick will donate $2 to the Redwood Women's Shelter.)
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Not much has been happening recently, really. Still trying to hammer out some wedding details, getting certain things semi-finalized like favours and whatnot. Just a lot of backyard lounging and barbequeing.
Brian's coming back in a week and a half, which is great. At some point he'll have a longer leave in August (I think), where he wants to head east to Montreal for a weekend of nogoodnik-ing. He regaled us with a colourful account of a metal bar he ventured to at some point during one of his visits to the city over a weekend away from training -- 2 dollar beers and speed metal.
Talking the girls into it will be hard. We might have to compromise by looking at girly things earlier in the day. It'll probably be worth it.