As I said things have been slow, I haven't been using my last few weeks of summer to their full potential either. I was laid off of work a few weeks ago from the studio so I've been hanging out at home catching up on episodes of Maury, hanging out with Bella and waiting for mail.

Got these little dudes in the mail this week. I bought them on Etsy, one of my favourite sites from Diane over at FusionP. I couldn't resist the cuteness. I usually groan when Brant busts out some type of video game memorabilia to set up in the living room but there's a difference between cute and creepy - and cute wins everytime.

We've managed to make it out to Brant's Granny's farm a few time this summer which is always a nice and relaxing visit. She has long trails behind her house that we like to take walks on to take pictures and such. There's always lots to see.

Like this little guy. Don't worry, I'm not squishing him. He was pretty small and cute. We reminded him that it was a dangerous place for little toads to be frolicking around.

'Specially with this dude hanging out down the trail. He was a small snapper who was really chill and didn't mind us taking his picture. I'm still weirded out by his kinda chin fang looking thins though, ick.

We did breakfast with Ben a few Sunday's ago. It's always nice to see Ben and share our love for MG and music. 'Specially when it's 3 a.m. downtown during homecoming and I'm lost. I haven't seen Ben since then last year. He moved to Whistler since then so it was a nice surprise to hear from and see him while he was in town.

Mansion breakfast is always delicious. This is the spinach and swiss eggs benny. It was the first time I had eggs benny, it's pretty delish and horrible for you, it's balances out nicely.

Aw Boog. You are my favourite cat at my parent's house. He acts like a dog and can open doors, it's awesome.

I've spent the better time of my forced holidays at my parent's house helping them do odd things, visiting and scoring free meals. I Helped my dad build a little deck to his garage, it was pretty cool. He even let me use power tools! SEE!

My dad knows how to build anything, I swear. Give him some scrap wood a few bent nails and some tools and he can probably build anything you want. He is awesome.

This is the final product. Pretty good if I must say. Here's hoping I don;t fall through this one.

As you probably read over at Krista's blog our kitties have been pretty successful on catching up these little guys lately. I was so proud of Tweeter when she caught this mouse I ran for my camera as any good kitty mom would do. Brant was mortified that A: Tweeter caught a mouse and B: I was photographing the evidence.

I need to get out more.
OX! e
Brant's a wuss! But I'm kind of grossed out by mouse poo more than I am by a dead mouse. A dead mouse means no more mouse poo, logic!
Sweet drilling hahah come builed a deck for me one day okay!
I loved visiting Grandma but every time I say "visiting Grandma" I think of Sex Drive. And that's wrong.
i love eggs benedict and that little froggy!
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