Pimpin' ain't easy, 'yo.
I've recently gotten into creating art, not painting because I am not very good at it. More creative things, fun things. Things like I used to do in my grade 11 Material Art class with the best teacher ever, Sue.
I like taking things, putting them together and making it work, not crazy things, or hard things. Nice things, things that are special.
I like working with tissue paper on canvass even though every time I use it I regret it and end up tearing it and having to start over, but it always turns out. It works!
I'm no good at pimping out my own stuff, Krista usually does that. But I'll give it a shot.
If you, all 4 of our readers, like what you see and want me to work something up for you, I'll give it a shot!
....I'm just really bored and want something to do, knitting isn't faring too well but that's another thing all together.
If nothing else, just let me know what you think!
I like taking things, putting them together and making it work, not crazy things, or hard things. Nice things, things that are special.
I like working with tissue paper on canvass even though every time I use it I regret it and end up tearing it and having to start over, but it always turns out. It works!
I'm no good at pimping out my own stuff, Krista usually does that. But I'll give it a shot.
If you, all 4 of our readers, like what you see and want me to work something up for you, I'll give it a shot!
....I'm just really bored and want something to do, knitting isn't faring too well but that's another thing all together.
If nothing else, just let me know what you think!
'Untitled', pogded tissue paper, blue and white with printed out fish and kayaks floating together brushed with acrylic paints, green, blue and white. This was done for my good friend Jason's birthday, we go on Kayaking trips each year, I thought it was fitting.
'Loki': Podged on tea stained paper strips in various directions with giant sparkling jewel tea stained stars with a printed paper Loki looking off wearing an Aero chocolate bar wrapper crown with jewels brushed with blue acrylic paint. This was done for Krista for her birthday this year, she is building an erica art gallery.
'Hera': Podged tissue paper, light and dark pink with Hera the kitten poking into the frame wearing a pearl necklace and standing in front of a jingly cat ball (that still jingles!) splattered with acrylic paints, purple, pink and white with wrapping paper hearts about. (again) Done for Krista for her birthday.
...if you are a friend, chances are you are getting art for your birthday, ha.
LOVE. ox.


...if you are a friend, chances are you are getting art for your birthday, ha.
LOVE. ox.
I know you're NKOTB'n it up this weekend, but as Krista has reminded me...lets make an art date!
Your art is amazing! I love what you made for Krista's brithday! I also saw what you and Krista made on her blog, you two are so talented!!
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