My lips will never be the same, ever.
That's the question that our local radio station 98.9 The Drive had been asking for about a month or so. I'd thought about it, nothing good came to mind though but I really wanted to do it for Brant because I knew that he was a pretty big fan and he's pretty much the reason that I even know who Radiohead is.Well like any good girlfriend I kept thinking, and thinking, and thinking.
Think. Think. Think.
I really had nothing. About to give up and just say forget it my dad encouraged me to just enter with anything because if I didn't I would probably regret it after hearing people who were chosen. So I did it, I entered.
"I will kiss 989 people in one day!", I wrote thinking that they would never choose that. I mean c'mon Radiohead is a HUGE band, people would probably cut off their left arm for that.
Nah, I'll be safe I thought, thought being the operative word here.
On Thursday I actually checked my email, I tend to avoid doing so because I get a million and one 'So and so has wrote on you Facebook wall' notifications. But I checked it, I have no idea why but I did. And low and behold, an email from the radio stations promotions and marketing manager Shawn Whalen telling me that my idea qualified for the prize and asked if I was willing to do it.
Totally. It was a huge prize, tickets to a SOLD OUT Radiohead show at the Molson Ampitheatre in Toronto, return train transportation will VIA Rail - traveling VIA 1, which is first class including all the booze and pillows you would ever want, effing sweet, and a nights stay at the Delta Chelsea Hotel in downtown Toronto.
The day came, Monday, August 11, I was nervous and tired - being up at 530 a.m. was rough! But I made it, had an interview on the radio and then we hit the streets. We hit up pretty much everywhere in town that we could, Tim Hortons, Wal-Mart, Downtown, The Cataraqui Town Centre, Loblaws, bus terminals, any where in Kingston that is busy, you name it we were there.
Most people were nice and let me give them a little peck on the cheek, some were mean and some just didn't want to be bothered at all. The older ladies and old gents were the nicest, the old guys loved it. Another reason why old people rock, they kind of got it and were super cute.
988 kisses later, my lips sore, my body tired and my clothes damp from the rain I was one peck away from giving Brant the coolest gift ever, but I had to wait until 430. A surprise was in store.

Worst part, Brant can't go. He's starting a new job at Taylor Studios as the print tech on Wednesday, tomorrow, and can't get it off. I guess it wouldn't look too professional to ask for a day off just 2 days after you begin your job. ha. So My dad is going, he deserves it too, afterall I might not have entered if it weren't for him.

Awww, e! Glad you had a wicked time and stayed in a slightly better hotel than the one we stayed at in May. Any sweet pics to come?
That they are Krista, that they are...eventually.
Maybe today.
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