it's funny, i was about to update the blog today, when i saw that there was a comment from krista, saying it was time for a new blog post.
so, hello there. long time no type.
the reason for which? not a good one. camping.

mind you, it was camping for an entire week, plus weekends, which ended up being nine notches on a weathered stump at loughborough lake. being friends with someone who knows the owner of said campground, we rented a field for the reasonable price of 10 bucks a head, per night to take part in what was essentially a social breakdown that saw ladyfolk act like men, and men act like men.
manly men.

through which, we learned, that eating bark and sticks and all sorts of nature-y woodness might be appealing for some dogs, but doesn't fare to well for the ol' cleft & palette.
as you can see, mortimer here indulged a little too much in his hedonistic buffet of twigs and such that the poor boy earned himself a bloody lip. awww.
it healed up enough a day after the fact, but the for the remainder of the trip, he had what we affectionately called a "chocolate milk mustache", albeit a mustache actually make of skin, and not hair.
an anti-mustache, if you will. the bizarro mustache.

![derek smokin' peyote [but not really]](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3190/2646480555_5a12b02c19.jpg)

This is Derek.
He constantly reminds me of Fry from Futurama, with his carefree nature, and knack for saying really hilarious and dumb things that make you laugh.
He's heading overseas come September, and there's lots of time to hang out with him, it's just going to suck not having him around to chime in like he always does. When he comes back next summer, it's going to be a relief for us all.

1 comment:
you two have a great blog here. the photo's are fantastic and this post made me laugh. great job!
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